How technology integration can help your business flourish

Modern businesses rely on various technologies to keep their companies up and running. Today, most of them need an internet connection and multiple apps and software to help their staff get things done.

At first glance, all the different technologies you use may seem unrelated to one another — after all, the software your accounting department uses is different from what your research and development team has and so on. But all the technology in your company serves the same purpose: to help you achieve your goals. Technology integration is the process of aligning business and technology must be aligned so that business strategies can be successfully implemented. It means that systems and devices are able to work harmoniously with one another and share data back and forth.

Let’s talk about the benefits of technology integration to your business.

No matter the current state of your security programme, there are ways in which you can build stronger defences to thwart these attempts or mitigate the potential damage.

Better productivity and efficiency

Integrated technologies allow you to organize and share your business data across departments, drastically saving the time and energy needed to look up and verify the information. Syncing your systems and sharing the same database means there’s no more need to (re-)enter data manually every time, minimizing the window for error.

Imagine how seamless everything will be when everyone has access to critical information like product prices. By allowing inter-department access to real-time information regarding rates, vendor managers, stock keepers, and accounting will be on the same page: they will know the current number of items in stock and whether there have been any price changes. In case a customer asks for a product price, the staff assigned to be the point of contact (customer service, salesperson) can immediately look up the necessary information without calling another department. Not only is this process more efficient, but it’s also more customer-oriented.


Being on the same page makes it easier to achieve goals.

More effective communications

When devices are integrated, they share the same information and can “talk to each other” while working or analyzing information. Much in the same manner, people using these devices can also “talk to each other” in much quicker ways. They can collaborate on documents and spreadsheets virtually without having to meet face to face. What’s more, because team members can work together in real-time, they can make quick and informed decisions which reduce turnaround time and ensure that projects are finished promptly.

Technology integration also empowers staff who work remotely. For example, someone working out of the office can send client notes to the business email as soon as the client meeting is over, again saving time.

Potential for growth

When small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) integrate their technology, they should see positive results such as improved communications, streamlined workflows, and higher customer satisfaction. Together, these changes can propel enterprises to grow in unprecedented ways.

But it doesn’t stop there. Integrated technology gives leaders better insights into their data by conveniently keeping relevant and related information in one place, so one can see patterns and discrepancies in data easily. They can also pinpoint the business’s bottlenecks and find opportunities for growth. Marketing teams who have access to sales figures and customer records, for instance, may be able to identify certain demographics or trends they can capitalize on.