Cloud Backup

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Cloud Backup Solutions for Your Business

Despite the growing popularity of cloud backup, many organizations are still relying on on-premise backup when it comes to protecting their most critical information. Even worse, some organizations believe they have on-premise storage, only to realize they don’t after a malicious cyber-attack. At Plexus Integrated Solutions we offers a Cloud Backup Services for any size business

5 Reasons to Implement a local and cloud backup strategy with Plexus Integrated Solutions

  • Cloud backup is automatic.
  • Cloud backup reduces downtime.
  • Cloud backup is securely off-site.
  • You can access your backed-up data from anywhere.
  • Cloud backup grows with you.
“If someone asks me what cloud computing is, I try not to get bogged down with definitions.
I tell them that, simply put, cloud computing is a better way to run your business.”


– Marc Benioff, Founder, CEO, and Chairman of Salesforce.

Planning for data loss isn’t paranoia, it’s good business.

What is Cloud Backup

Cloud backup is a service in which the data and applications on a business's servers are backed up and stored on a remote server. ... Customers typically back up and restore their data and apps using a web browser or a service provider's control panel.

Is Cloud Backup secure?

Yes, your data is relatively safe in the cloud—likely much more so than on your own hard drive. In addition, files are easy to access and maintain.

Can you lose data on the cloud?

You see, cloud data is stored in multiple locations, making it exceptionally difficult to lose. If you ever experience difficulty retrieving your data from the cloud, it can always be retrieved from another data centre. Since data centre storage is decentralized in nature, it's actually much safer than on-site storage

We can help Your Business with all Your Cloud Backup Requirements


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