ITHSPM-IT Hardware / Software Procurement & Maintenance

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Hardware & Software Procurement


Plexus Integrated Solutions high purchasing volumes provides our customers with the exclusive, value-added service and discounts on all hardware and software purchases.  You can even receive the advantages of software licensing management with complex licensing agreements such as Cisco, Microsoft and others.


As a Plexus Integrated Solutions customer, we provide a single source for your technology needs.  We do the product research, and our experienced purchasing representatives will manage and ensure your order’s accuracy from software and computer purchasing to delivery and implementation.

Our Procurement Service Includes:

  • Hardware inventory/asset management
  • Software licensing and compliance management
  • User application usage, Stop over buying unneeded software
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Help with decision planning with hardware and software investments
  • Enhance the return on your software investments and add software applications to your desktop when you need them
  • Monitor and control your desktop and server software assets and cut licensing costs by eliminating over-licensing
  • Proved and identify software with under-licensing, contract deficiencies, and terminating incorrect software usage

Our Hardware & Software Procurement includes:

  • Desktop computers, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • Servers, storage, and server components
  • Software from multiple venders and other market-specific software and legal way to purchase the required software
  • Network Security Devices
  • Networking Equipment (Switches, routers, etc.)
  • Computer Peripherals
  • Data Backup and Recovery Devices and Services
  • Printers and Multi-Function Equipment
  • Phone systems and phone service providers

Authorised Reseller of:

Software and Hardware Support

Software Support


Software support services are needed because software developers routinely update their applications by issuing security patches and software updates. Patches and updates are small programs that patch known software vulnerabilities, resolve recently discovered conflicts with other programs or devices, or add new features to the software. By keeping your software updated with the latest patches and updates, you can solve existing problems and avoid others.


While keeping software updated sounds good in theory, it often fails in practice. Each one of your computers can have dozens of applications installed on it. Keeping an entire computer network updated on your own becomes a huge task that is often neglected. iT1 Solutions can take over your software support, conducting a complete inventory of your software and setting up automatic updates. Our software support services ensure that your software is well-maintained and patched.


Hardware Support


Not only must your software and applications be updated, but your hardware such as memory chips, hard disks and motherboards must also receive consistent updates and hardware support. Like software updates, hardware updates are used to patch known vulnerabilities, resolve conflicts with other devices, and add new features. Keeping your hardware and devices patched with the latest updates can solve and prevent problems and add new features. Updating hardware and devices is trickier than updating software. Most updates are specific to the device as well as the operating system. Choosing the incorrect updated could be disastrous. Managing your hardware support yourself can be intimidating, difficult, and dangerous if you do not understand what you are doing.


In addition to basic maintenance, our hardware support services address hardware failures. Whether you have a failing hard disk array, a server that keeps crashing due to memory issues, or devices that no longer work, our hardware support team is ready to help. Many issues can be resolved remotely while others may require onsite support. Either way, timely repairs are one of our top priorities.


Plexus Integrated Solutions


We are committed to providing prompt, reliable computer software and hardware support. We understand how important your systems are to your business and take a proactive approach to prevent problems. Should a problem occur, we work quickly to resolve it.

We can help Your Business with all Your IT Hardware / Software Procurement & Maintenance Requirements


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