Plexus Integrated Solutions

Professional IT Solutions / IT Support / Consumables – South Africa

Home Privacy Policy

Code of Conduct




  1. In order to provide electronic communications services to its subscribers, Plexus Integrated Solutions holds licences issued by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA). ICASA requires that all licence-holders comply with, inter alia, the:
    1. ICASA Code of Conduct Regulations 2008, which sets out the minimum standards of conduct when providing services to subscribers or dealing with potential subscribers; and
    2. ICASA End-user and Subscriber Service Charter Regulations 2009, which sets out the minimum quality of service standards applicable to services provided by Plexus Integrated Solutions to current subscribers and potential subscribers.
  2. Plexus Integrated Solutions has set out its own Code of Conduct and Service Charter in line with these Regulations and will strive to follow this in its interactions with current subscribers and potential subscribers.
  3. A copy of the ICASA Code of Conduct Regulations 2008 is available here, while the ICASA End-user and Subscriber Service Charter Regulations are available here.

Key Commitments

    1. Plexus Integrated Solutions makes the following key commitments and will endeavour to:
      1. Act in a reasonable, fair and responsible manner in all dealings with Customers;
      2. Ensure that all its services and products meet the standard specifications as contained in Plexus Integrated Solutions ‘s licences and all the relevant laws and regulations;
      3. Not unfairly discriminate against or between Customers in any way on the basis of race, gender, sex, age, religion, belief, disability, ethnic background or sexual orientation;
      4. Display utmost courtesy and care when dealing with Customers;
      5. Provide Customers with information regarding services and pricing;
      6. Where requested to do so provide Customers with guidance with regard to their service needs; and
      7. Keep the personal information of Customers confidential unless we are:
        1. Otherwise authorised or required by law or order of Court;
        2. In possession of written authorisation from you to do so; and/or
        3. Required to release such information for the purpose of briefing our auditors or professional advisors or an accredited debt collection agency.
      8. Subscribers and potential subscribers have the right to refer Complaints to ICASA as more comprehensively set out below.

Consumer Rights

    1. The ICASA Code of Conduct Regulations 2008 stipulate the following (non-exhaustive) list of consumer rights held by subscribers and potential subscribers:
      1. A right to be provided with the required service without unfair discrimination;
      2. A right to choose the service provider of your choice;
      3. A right to receive information in your preferred language Plexus Integrated Solutions will do its best to meet this request where reasonable);
      4. A right to access and question records held by Plexus Integrated Solutions and which relate to your relationship with us;
      5. A right to the protection of your personal data, including the right not to have personal data sold to third parties without your permission;
      6. A right to port a number in terms of applicable regulations;
      7. A right to lodge a complaint; and
      8. A right to redress.

Availability of Information

    1. Information relating to:
      1. Our range of services / products on offer;
      2. Tariff rates applicable to each service offered;
      3. Terms and conditions applicable to such services / products;
      4. Payment terms;
      5. Billing, billing processes and our Billing Dispute Handling Procedure;
      6. Complaints Handling Procedure, and
      7. Relevant contact details.can be obtained from our website ( or by email request to (no charge payable) and is available for inspection at our offices during Business Hours.

Vetting of Applications and Use of registered Credit Bureaus

    1. Where applicable, we solely reserve the right to subject any application for services and/or products, including variations to existing services and/or products, to credit referencing and analysis by registered credit bureaux. You consent to the use of all information supplied for this purpose and for the purpose of compliance with the National Credit Act of 2005.

Written Terms and Conditions of Service

    1. We will provide you with a copy of the written Terms and Conditions upon finalisation of a service agreement or as soon as is reasonably possible thereafter. Where an agreement is entered into telephonically, a copy of the written Terms and Conditions thereof will be provided to you within 7 Business Days.
    2. Where we affect alterations to the Terms and Conditions of our service to you we will inform of such alterations within a reasonable and fair period.

Minimum Standards for the Services offered by Plexus Integrated Solutions

    1. Subject to events and conduct beyond its reasonable control, Plexus Integrated Solutions will:
      1. provide a minimum of 95% network service availability measured over 6 months;
      2. provide a minimum of 95% service availability measured over 6 months;
      3. attain a 90% success rate in meeting requests for installation and activation of service for qualifying service applicants within 30 Business Days while meeting the balance of requests within 40 Business Days;
      4. provide full reasons to you where we are not able to meet your request for service within these time periods;
      5. attain a 90% success rate within 7 Business Days in meeting requests for activation of a service while meeting the balance of requests within 15 Business Days;
      6. provide full reasons to you, if possible, where we are not able to meet your request for activation within these time periods;
      7. maintain an average of 90% fault clearance rate for all faults reported within 3 days, with the balance to be cleared within 6 Business Days of the reporting of the fault;
    2. Customers acknowledge that Plexus Integrated Solutions is directly dependent on network and other services provided by third parties in providing the services and meeting the standards set out above and that Plexus Integrated Solutions  cannot be held liable in any manner whatsoever for any failure to meet such standards where this results from the acts and/or omissions of such third parties.
    3. Customers acknowledge that Plexus Integrated Solutions is directly dependent on network and other services provided by third parties in providing the services and meeting the standards set out above and that Plexus Integrated Solutions  cannot be held liable in any manner whatsoever for any failure to meet such standards where this results from the acts and/or omissions of such third parties.


  1. Any queries relating to this Code of Conduct should be sent to
  2. This Code of Conduct forms part of the Terms and Conditions applicable to the use of Plexus Integrated Solutions ‘s services and products and is incorporated therein.



Thank You For Taking The Time To Read Our Disclaimer

1 grid (Pty) Ltd, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms, conditions and operation of this Website at any time. By using this service, the user waives any rights or claims it may have against Plexus Integrated Solutions, regarding such changes. Without limiting the foregoing, Plexus Integrated Solutions shall not be liable to you or your business for any incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages, lost or imputed profits or royalties arising out of this agreement, or any goods or services provided, whether for breach of warranty or any obligation arising therefrom or otherwise, whether liability is asserted in contract or not (including negligence and strict product liability) and irrespective of whether you have been advised of the possibility of any such loss or damage.

Hereby, each party waives any claims that these exclusions deprive such party of an adequate remedy. You acknowledge that third party product and service providers advertise their products and services on the Plexus Integrated Solutions website. Plexus Integrated Solutions forms partnerships or alliances with some of these vendors from time to time in order to facilitate the provision of these products and services to you. However, you acknowledge and agree that at no time is Plexus Integrated Solutions making any representation or warranty regarding any third party’s products or services, nor will Plexus Integrated Solutions be liable to you or any third party for any claims arising from or in connection with such third party products and services. Hereby, you waive and disclaim any rights and claims you may have against Plexus Integrated Solutions with respect to third party products and services, to the maximum extent allowable by law.


Thank You For Taking The Time To Read Our Disclaimer

1 grid (Pty) Ltd, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms, conditions and operation of this Website at any time. By using this service, the user waives any rights or claims it may have against Plexus Integrated Solutions, regarding such changes. Without limiting the foregoing, Plexus Integrated Solutions shall not be liable to you or your business for any incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages, lost or imputed profits or royalties arising out of this agreement, or any goods or services provided, whether for breach of warranty or any obligation arising therefrom or otherwise, whether liability is asserted in contract or not (including negligence and strict product liability) and irrespective of whether you have been advised of the possibility of any such loss or damage.

Hereby, each party waives any claims that these exclusions deprive such party of an adequate remedy. You acknowledge that third party product and service providers advertise their products and services on the Plexus Integrated Solutions website. Plexus Integrated Solutions forms partnerships or alliances with some of these vendors from time to time in order to facilitate the provision of these products and services to you. However, you acknowledge and agree that at no time is Plexus Integrated Solutions making any representation or warranty regarding any third party’s products or services, nor will Plexus Integrated Solutions be liable to you or any third party for any claims arising from or in connection with such third party products and services. Hereby, you waive and disclaim any rights and claims you may have against Plexus Integrated Solutions with respect to third party products and services, to the maximum extent allowable by law.

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